Home Video Asylum

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Re: is this the right place?-- Q. about changing factory preset Contrast on Toshiba CRT

The disc has test patterns and instructions for how you use your normal adjustment controls, whether they be on the TV itself, the remote, or DVD player settings, to adjust the picture to get the best results with the pattern. The disc does not reset anything itself—you have to do that.

The disc does include test patterns that a service person could use if they have access to your set's internal programming but once again it's the service person who has to make the changes. There are a lot more patterns on the disc than a normal user like you and I can use.

As DWPC said, the THX Optimiser which is an extra on many THX mastered movie DVDs also contains a set of test patterns that a normal user can use but once again, the user makes the adjustments manually using the appropriate controls. The one missing item with the THX Optimiser is the necessary blue filter for viewing the colour test patterns but it gives instructions on obtaining one. Digital Video Essentials comes with a filter.

I know of no disc which will automatically make the adjustments for you, and I doubt such a disc exists or could even exist. All 4 of the discs that I know of contain test patterns only, and all require the user to make the adjustments. They aren't difficult adjustments to make.

David Aiken

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  • Re: is this the right place?-- Q. about changing factory preset Contrast on Toshiba CRT - David Aiken 14:30:36 08/21/06 (0)

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