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Blue Ray observations..long and rambling....

Ok, Ok, I bit and got the Sam Sung machine. So far, (one week) no problems. Picture quality even on standard DVDs shows much higher black levels and better color saturation. I have only one BR DVD, House of Flying Daggers (OK, so you've seen it a million times) and am awaiting others on order. The picture is excellent, although the HD does make you much more aware of the depth of view of the camera.

I am really curious if others have noticed the remixing that has been done on this movie and, if so, if they notice it it on other films. The colors are much more vivid, but I suspect it is not simply due to the HD transfer.
I do see considerably more sharpness (using a three year old Marantz Plasma with 768 resolution running the 720P outputs into the marantz). The scenes, in general, have much more three dimensionality because of the increased resolution and black levels, although I have to turn the black level off on the SS BR machine.

What is really interesting is the sound. Everything seems to have been hyped up a bit. Effects are louder, and surprisingly the soundtracks are in reversed phase compared to my older Marantz DVD 8400 and all other DVD players I have used. The remixing is really evident in the soundtrack and inthe end credits, Kathleen Battle's voice sounds like she's singing in a shower about two houses away.

I was wondering if any other BR owners have noticed these anomalies?


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Topic - Blue Ray observations..long and rambling.... - unclestu52 22:50:33 08/22/06 (2)

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