Home Video Asylum

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Higher resolution means a better picture assuming everything else is equal...

If you have expectations of keeping the display for 10 years or more, it's probably worth it to get a 1080p display. I've seen a 1080p King Kong HD-DVD demo it looked pretty awesome. OTOH, Blu-Ray and HD-DVD are still in the middle of a format war so one or both might die out in a few years; I wouldn't spend a great deal of money on either until it's clear one or both formats are here to stay. HD-DVD has a better start, but Blu-ray is the technically better solution; but only if Sony gets their act together.

If I take baby steps with HD players, I'll make sure the player can feed a decent 720p or 1080i digital signal to my 720p-native display. My current Universal player and also the display processor will upsample any source to 720p (only).

I haven't had the opportunity yet to compare 720p vs 1080p sources on either a 720p or 1080p display. And maybe that's just as well; I'm not in a big rush to replace my 720p display or give it decent competition.

Marvin's does have good equipment and I've bought enough from them (though not lately) that everyone knows me. OTOH, I agree they won't give you the time of day unless you look like a money spender. I'll wander in there occasionally just to see what they've got, but I try not to waste the saleman's time unless they have something worth considering.

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  • Higher resolution means a better picture assuming everything else is equal... - oscar 20:04:06 09/10/06 (0)

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