Home Video Asylum

TVs, VCRs, DVD players, Home Theater systems and more.


Plasma has a wonderfully lifelike picture, but it puts out heat and
the good ones can still be kinda pricey. LCD tvs are nice, but I have no idea about longevity and I am not sure anyone does.

If you have high ceilings and a big budget, projectors are a great way to go. If you just want a nice TV, a 42 inch plasma is nice. If you want something more theater-like, something at, or around, 50 inches is good. I don't suggest going larger unless you can back it up with a Faroujda.

Each technology has it's strengths and weaknesses. Next year a new kind of TV will show up that may well rewrite the landscape. It's very cool. A plasma is made up of thousands of plasma cells. This TV will have thousands of CRT cells. Gets great reviews.

Anyway, learn the basics. Consumer Reports has reviews this month of
TVs, buy a couple home theater mags while you're getting it.

But after you learn the basics you will know enough to reject the obvious mistakes. Youknow, too big or too small, etc. After that, go with the force, Luke. Just get something that punches your buttons.

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