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When the govt buys it, I'll buy it

We do the engineering for a lot of military systems installations, and, assuming its meets the baseline spec, cable is cable regardless whether its for an off-the-shelf PC monitor or a megabuck highly sensitive function. Same applies to connectors. The $10M unit gets the same quality DB25 as the $200 monitor. And these are in systems where many high density high speed data inputs are processed and if all could be made .1% "better" with a paltry few grand in special cables it would be a big deal. If DoD system providers can't justify "high end" cable to enhance performance in fantastically expensive critical systems, I doubt there's any real enhancement to be had for mundane video and audio.

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  • When the govt buys it, I'll buy it - DWPC 10:13:36 11/09/06 (1)

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