Home Video Asylum

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False assumption

Cables within every type of cable is different - if they were all simular (aka almost the same) Belden's catalog would be much much thinner.

Re your RGB / composite question, dont forget composite only really needs a bandwidth of 5Mhz, component needs 50Mhz. Given the commercial imperatives of corp's like M*%$#&r i cant see them using a good quality cable that is fit for 50Mhz when a cheaper lower spec would do.

if you want to play with some inexpensive cables for video I would look at Van Damm coax or Canare or Belden, CVaudio or JR recipies if you need them made for you take a look at Blue Jeans cables.

Audio cables should be spec'd differently to the rf coax's but often arnt.

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  • False assumption - chris_w 04:24:36 12/17/06 (0)

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