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Trouble w/Rotel RSP 1066 Prepro

If anyone can help me with this it would be appreciated.

Basically, the crossover function in my prepro is not working in that it's not cutting off the low frequencies to my towers. I have the crossover freq. set to 60 Hz, all speakers set to small, and the sub set to YES. Yet when I run the signal generator in my Velodyne DD 12 with its volume all the way down and turn up the prepro's volume, the sub's microphone shows that my Hales towers are putting out a full bandwidth signal with no attenuation of the frequencies below 60 Hz.

I also tried setting the main speakers to full range. Still, the result was the same. I tried changing the sub setting from Yes to MAX. Again, the same result. I tried clearing the prepro to its factory settings and then redoing setup. Yet again, the crossover is still not working.

Now, this prepro has worked correctly in the past with this same sub/tower set up. So I'm at a loss. Does anyone out there own this unit? Is this a problem anyone else has experienced?


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Topic - Trouble w/Rotel RSP 1066 Prepro - DPM 20:10:06 12/20/06 (0)

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