Home Video Asylum

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My new HT set up

Hi All, Just thought I'd share. With three daughter in college I don't have much fun money. I really wanted an HT set up and this is what I came up with. It might take a bit of tweeking and maybe a few new drivers but it should sound OK for HT. I am using the Pioneer VSX-816-K to drive all these vintage speakers. I am lacking one more speaker but will find one if I keep my eyes open. I have a KHL powered sub from Costco. Cheers.

Pioneer VSX-816-K
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Front Right and Left. These have the Stromberg Carlson coax
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Stromberg Carlson coax
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Home made back loaded horn from the 1950s with a newer Radio Shack driver
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Art Deco wall speaker from a dinner
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Motorola PA speaker
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Aragonne PA speaker
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Topic - My new HT set up - djn 15:29:27 12/29/06 (1)

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