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In Reply to: RE: more to consider posted by jackrandom on July 21, 2008 at 18:48:10
CC has the Panasonic for $1699. As suggested take your time. I see a lot of LCD bashing..lol. That's OK I still enjoy mine. No major problems with motion blurring. No more than a Plasma digital chipping.Depending on the processing of the LCD, will determine the motion artifacts. Unless you watch a lot of live sports 120 Hz refresh rate is useless.
If you ever plan to use this flat panel for a PC monitor or games. The LCD is still the better option. LCDs have come a long ways in the last few years.
I own both a plasma and LCD. Nothing wrong with Samsung. They make some killer panels. Those new LCD Samsung's have a terrific picture!
My only gripe with Plasma's is the burn in and the noise some of them give off. Less weight and heat are also better with the LCDs.
My 52 inch LCD is 62 pounds while the Plasma 42 inch is just under 100.
So pick your poison..there's no perfect panel whether LCD or Plasma.
Edits: 07/21/08Follow Ups: