Home Video Asylum

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Re: Wanted!!!! Low end audiophile (as opposed to top 'o the line midfi ) home theater system for approx. $10,000 including a 36"TV !!!ANY SUGGEST

For the TV, I dont know, i still got me old 68cm sony trinitron.

I recommend trying to pick up a denon 5700, they are being cleared out to make way for a new model 5800. The 5800 should be out sometime in september. I doubt any of these pre/pro/amp stuff will even come close. Yes seperates are better, but for better performance than the 5700, your talking $4000+ at least for seperates.

Speakers, the others covered, just try to get a timbre matched set all round. One thing you may consider is nOrh 5.1 setup. I have not heard these, but everyone says the only HT setup they have ever heard that is more preceise is the meridian at $30K. I have nOrh 7.0's on the way.

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  Kimber Kable  

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  • Re: Wanted!!!! Low end audiophile (as opposed to top 'o the line midfi ) home theater system for approx. $10,000 including a 36"TV !!!ANY SUGGEST - PJ 19:14:30 08/27/00 (0)

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