Home Video Asylum

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You might want to try these...

but first... remenmber... no indoor antenna will EVER be the equal of a roof mounted outdoor antenna.

I'm in the NYC metro area too so heres what I wound up doing when I had to forgo cable for a few months. One problem we don't have is signal strength. Multipath is what hurts us here.

I worked PTat Radio Shack then and I tried virtually ALL the antennas at one time or another. found the winners... found the losers... For TV, their amplified $40 mountefd on the wall of my second story brick apt worked quite good. I rarely had to adjust it one I got it set. Color on channel 4 was a little weak, but it always is, even with rooftop antennas. UHF required me to fiddle. Also, not ALL signals here are from the WTC so some silight abjustments would "tweak" the picture sometimes.

I'm not there anymore, but there are newer ones that may be better. Try 'em and bring it back if it doesn't work. Keep on trying.

BTW, for FM, I'm using their $60 "blade" type antenna. Best indoor FM antenna I ever used. ALMOST as good as my old roof mounted turnstile. Almost, but not quite. Then again, I'm not gonna spend hundreds of $$ on a nindoor antenna, either.

They sell an $80 version of that antenna that's made for TV as well as FM. I didn't get to try this but It may be worth a try.

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