Home Video Asylum

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Re: HDTV at this point

I agree on the comment that the difference is hard to see at this point. I've seen the Sony direct view, and the Pioneer Elite, Panasonic, and a few Mitsu RPTVs. All were running the Mitsu demo of desert and evergalade scenes off a hard disc. Verdict? The Sony sucks, too fuzzy to take seriously, same with the Panasonic. The Mistsus are a bit better, but the only one that looks good to me is the Pioneer. In fact, after tweaking convergence and color temp in a dark demo room it looked phenomenal -easily a difference that even lay observers wandering into the room could see (and commment on).

While this thread hits the nail on the head that until there is software there wont be a big market, I think everyones missing the point - the hardware manufacturers have a huge vested interest in replacing all those outmoded NTSC sets with new digital sets and they will roll over their products lines to them sooner rather than later. There's just too much potential profit in it for it to go any other way. And I'm still amazed by the popularity of DVD in light of its generally unimpressive performance vis-a-vis high def. So I suspect once a high def consumer choice medium arrives (whether DSS, DVD, or tape) I think you will see the market take off.

Oh well, we'll see,

Sign me patiently waiting...


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  • Re: HDTV at this point - Joe S 07:26:56 06/01/99 (0)

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