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"A Face in the Crowd" 1957, directed by Elia Kazan

Posted by vacuous on May 3, 2024 at 23:05:45:

Andy Griffith stars in the role of a down-on-his-luck vagabond from Arkansas who's got exceptional story telling talent. Goes by the name of 'Lonesome Roads'. He manages to obtain some celebrity first with a slot on a local radio program, then doing product endorsements on TV, and finally lands his own national television show. Becomes so popular that his opinions as expressed on live TV make or break both products and people. The Washington DC political establishment rushes in to coral his talent by giving him the job of endorsing a US presidential candidate. Lonesome Roads can't lose! He's on his way to a job in the next Presidential cabinet!

But the man has a few major defects of personality. He boasts, swaggers, lies, drinks like a fish, and thoroughly antagonizes people close to him that he should respect. No spoiler here, I'll just say things don't go well in the end for Lonesome Roads.

There are many good things about this film. Dialog is crisp, the many sets and scenes are very well done, and the acting is top quality. If I have any reservation about this film, it's Andy Griffith playing the role of huckster a bit too loudly. But that's what this film is about, a huckster and demagogue rising to dizzying heights of power.

"A Face in the Crowd" is currently a freebie on Roku's Tubi channel. Recommended!