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New projector, an Epson '4K' LS11000 LASER-light PROJECTOR

Posted by jeffreybehr on May 6, 2024 at 13:29:51:

Have had Epsons for years...maybe decades...the most-recent being a ...5050.. The bulb died again so I thought it was time to upgrade.. While looking at Epsons at B&H, I saw this model 11000 that has a laser as light source.. At about $4K, it's twice as expensive as the '5050, but my children keep telling me, at 80YO, to live it up, so I do.

I didn't know what, exactly, to expect visually, but after a few days, I'm flabbergasted, gob-smacked, and THRILLED with its image quality.. I'm still driving it with my excellent Oppo '205 (of which I have a spare) and watching mostly 4K Blu-ray discs in addition to Blu-rays.. What has flabbered, smacked, and thrilled me so much is the apparent disappearance of pixel-based granularity while retaining all the rez of those 8.3-million* pixels.. The images on my Panavision-ratio (2.35:1) screen is so smooth, sharp, and real that it's unsettling sometimes.. Two-kilobuck$ well spent!

* With movies in Panavision or the rare other wide ratios I see occasionally, I zoom the lens length to fill the screen; then I'm seeing some 5- to 6-million pixels.