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Sony A95L Center Channel Speaker Connectivity Options?

Posted by cin5 on July 5, 2024 at 15:03:12:

I know that using this otherwise great TV's internal speakers is hardly an ideal way of getting decent (??) center channel sound-especially because my mains are very similar to these.

But the trouble is that a projector and acoustically transparent screen would present multiple installation and operating problems, where I could otherwise build a third speaker like my mains and put it behind the screen. Some I'm stuck with having to buy a regular OLED TV like the Sony A95L 55" or 65".

But at least if I could use the A95L's speakers for a center channel speaker it would be pretty much on axis with my listening position. However, not all users build home theater systems with AV receivers, or even expensive processors like these. https://www.anthemav.com/products-current/type=av-processor

Some of us instead use multichannel DACs https://www.oktoresearch.com/dac8pro.htm

But this page has too little technical info about the TV's center channel connectivity
https://www.sony.com/electronics/support/articles/00201071 to determine compatibility with the Okto Research and/or Merging DACs. And Sony support offers nothing but an ignorant chat bot and no email address.

Please advise if possible. Thanks.