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RE: Sony A95L Center Channel Speaker Connectivity Options?

Posted by cin5 on July 6, 2024 at 14:04:14:


Though he cracked the Sony cable pin out mystery 50nick said that his plan failed because his AVR has no center preamp output, though I thought most AVRs would. In any case, I don't want to buy an AVR just to utilize a Sony TV speaker, because few if any AVRs will sound as good as Anthem or other higher end processors, or the Okto DAC. All of those have trigger outputs but neither would work anyway because that link says that when used as a center channel speaker the Sony's speakers need speaker levels inputs, and only AVRs have speaker level outputs. Another huge waste of time.

FWIW, here's most post at AVS, # 11939.
and this thread. https://audiophilestyle.com/forums/topic/69965-sony-a95l-oled-bravia-9-mini-led-internal-speakers-for-center-channel/#comment-1284183