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Re: DLP Projectors and 4:3 stretch on 16:9

Posted by mtrycrafts on March 8, 1999 at 23:21:36:

I saw a DLP set a few days ago. Forgot the brand but was advertised for $6k. The picture was bright, but it was not calibrated properly so I believe it was overdriven. They fiddled with the red color. Interesting that Zorrow was showing with that as well.
A couple of points for you to look at with the DLP and Zorro the next time you are in. At the beginning of the movie when the firing squad is out. Look at the white diagonal straps on them. You will notice ragged edges; I did. Very bad. Then advance to where they are in the cave with thepractice circles. Notice how the shape of the circles change from being circle to anything but. I sure noticed it. I would not spend such amounts for such bad artifacts. Came home and looked at my setup, 100"wide screen, line doubled, no such artifacts. I would not buy such a large screen setup without a line doubling capability. As was mentioned, HDTV is coming and a doubler is a must, even for the progressive scan 480P DVD.