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Re: DLP Projectors and 4:3 stretch on 16:9

Posted by John Hendry on March 9, 1999 at 00:59:12:

Hi Shelly, glad to see you looking at a front projector. As I started to read your post I was thinking that to spend any real cash on a RP would be a waist. As far as I'm concerned RPs are old tech that never made it. I HATE RPs! My brother was one of the first to buy one and I remember thinking.."gee it's big...but the picture is so bad"... and back then it really was, almost unewatchable. He was unable to sell it till he meet someone who perchased it without looking at it turned on. I have to admit that the latest are looking much better if you sit back far enough and stay still and look down at it...hate the hot spot. Resently with several people I was trying to judge the picture quality of different brands of DVD players. On a Sony RP set no difference was noticable, but on a Sony tube set, differences were clear(Sony 7700 much better than lower cost units). In five years IMHO RPs will be a thing of the past and FP will be the standard. Get a FP!
Here's what I would do. Look in all the papers and try to find yourself a used Mits X7. Most of these sets were perchased by emploees($7,800 list!)and are showing up for little more than other used 35in sets as they need the bucks to get a FP unit. This will give you the best possible "off the air"...cable picture for watching daytime stuff up close. Then get a FP for HT and enjoy a really good picture that does not change as you move your head. Ever since CES 98 and seeing how good this tech is, I have wanted one and would have one if I had the space...house comes first. The advantages of FP far outweigh RP in terms of space and resale value two years from now.
With all the new models and prices droping, FPs are the only way to go IMHO!
Good luck, John^^