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WAY TOO LONG, WAY over the top gorefest of self (loathing/hate/image, et al)
full of idiot males yet a great tribute to the brilliance of early Cronenberg
and some late Kubrick that goes on indefinitely until all the life and last drop
of blood is drained out of it. And then it goes on a bit further.
Demi Moore wins an award for this? Shades of Carrie, but career timeline reversal!
It's like one of those fast food commercials where everything is idealized
to where the food looks fake and inedible, but with women in tights (and not)
that look perfected and unloveable. And AI generated.
AND... WAY TO LONG! Approach with low expectations and all the
sick sense of humor you can muster and you might...endure.
Pray there is NEVER a director's cut, then light a candle and pray some more.
"Once this was all Black Plasma and Imagination"-Michael McClure
Follow Ups:
Ok, I was interested until the last 30 minutes. If it had ended there I would have given it B movie rating.
The film had made it's point (getting older for a woman in our society
has always sucked) but was stretched so far beyond that the point was?
Oh yeah! We're making a horror movie! Let's make it ham fisted!
Indeed... she could have pulled a ham out of herself just to drive
that point home...
Mind you, I didn't dislike the movie and agree with you.
"Once this was all Black Plasma and Imagination" -Michael McClure
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