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Criterion Channel streaming is live today

Posted on April 8, 2019 at 10:44:10

Posts: 9172
Joined: July 18, 2000
Looks a lot like Filmstruck.

So at first glance it is great. A collection of Columbia noir, and I've only seen one of those, so that's one I'm ready to dig into.

OTOH, on filmstruck, I got into an Ozu kick for a while, and they either had all of his movies or nearly all of his movies, going back all the way.

On this channel, the inventory is 6 or 7 right now, just a small subset. So we will see how this develops. At the very least, I think there will always be something interesting to watch.


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Supposed to support 4K so I've heard. nt, posted on April 9, 2019 at 10:32:58

Posts: 21037
Location: 50 miles west of DC
Joined: January 10, 2004


"If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do suck seed" - Curly Howard 1936


For ultimate Film Noir experience! :), posted on April 9, 2019 at 10:53:08
Victor Khomenko

Posts: 57209
Joined: April 5, 2000
Recently I was totally impressed with the quality of some old films - how did they manage to preserve the material that well?

Gorgeous, smooth and deep Black and White... probably not at 4K resolution, but who cares?

We are talking about 80 year old films, for Pete's sake! I don't think any restoration is going to give such result.


RE: For ultimate Film Noir experience! :), posted on April 10, 2019 at 07:27:14

Posts: 21037
Location: 50 miles west of DC
Joined: January 10, 2004
I'm always impressed by a good print. They (often) did such a good job on audio back then too.


"If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do suck seed" - Curly Howard 1936


I agree, posted on April 10, 2019 at 08:01:55
Victor Khomenko

Posts: 57209
Joined: April 5, 2000
Sound quality on some of those films is simply superb, clean, easy to understand.


We're signed up; looking forward to finding time for it next weekend... N/T, posted on April 8, 2019 at 20:36:26

Posts: 33031
Location: San Francisco
Joined: July 8, 2003
January 28, 2004
"Once this was all Black Plasma and Imagination"-Michael McClure


Will be trying tonight, posted on April 8, 2019 at 13:27:02
Victor Khomenko

Posts: 57209
Joined: April 5, 2000
I hope it works between AppleTV and iPad.


RE: Criterion Channel streaming is live today, posted on April 8, 2019 at 11:10:07

Posts: 10238
Location: Fort Worth
Joined: May 17, 2000
April 5, 2002
Mrs. S is already popping the popcorn getting ready for Criterion viewing later this evening. Very happy to have Filmstruck back even under a different name.


holy cow! so much Ozu! :) nt, posted on April 9, 2019 at 11:17:42

Posts: 2843
Joined: January 20, 2002


RE: holy cow! so much Ozu! :) nt, posted on April 9, 2019 at 19:14:52

Posts: 9172
Joined: July 18, 2000
What seems to be missing, at least now, are the commentary tracks. On filmstruck, I listened to Roger Ebert's commentary on Floating Weeds and it really sharpened my appreciation of what was going on with this director, who has often been accused of making the same movie over and over.

So as filmstruck was going away, I watched a few more. Part of a film education that I never had before.

It was quite interesting to note the echoes of Ozu's style in last year's First Reformed, not all that surprising as Paul Schrader has written analyses of his movies.


correction of above, posted on April 8, 2019 at 10:49:41

Posts: 9172
Joined: July 18, 2000
After doing a search, I found all the Ozu movies. They just were not in the top level collection "In Search of Ozu."

So that problem turned out to be user error, not a small film inventory.


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