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"A Gentleman in Moscow" in 8 episodes

Posted on May 14, 2024 at 15:42:41

Posts: 16985
Location: Santa Fe, NM
Joined: April 8, 2004
I can't say enough good things about this series, based on a bestselling 2016 novel (same name) by Amor Towles.

The theme is about former Russian royalty, Count Alexander Rostov, whose life was spared during the Communist purging of ruling class aristocrats. Instead of death, he was sentenced to live a servant's life in an old Moscow hotel, which was preserved for appearances for Party functions and visiting foreigners.

The story covers time from the revolution to the appointment of Krushchev. It follows the daily dealings of Rostov, keeping himself alive, yet never failing to see the good in everyone entering his sphere -- even those not worthy of such vibes. Indeed, it seems to be what sustains him.

I can't speak for the accuracy of the history presented, but the feel and sense of pervasive fears seem accurate enough, from Lenin and associates, through Stalin, and into beginning of Khrushchev's tenure.

Ewan McGregor plays Rostov. His continuing romantic tie is played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead, who is McGregor's wife. Casting is superb. A lot of life is portrayed within those years. Seen on Paramount/Showtime; coming up on episode 8, the conclusion this Sunday.

I really recommend seeking these out.


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A stellar recommendation , posted on June 1, 2024 at 18:28:21

Posts: 5639
Location: San Jose CA
Joined: April 3, 2002
December 29, 2003
Knowing McGregor only from his trans-continental motorcycle adventures his performance was extra special in this excellent series.


A Hearty +1 from Me, posted on June 1, 2024 at 19:22:54

Posts: 1495
Location: S.F. Bay Area
Joined: April 4, 2000
It was so nice to watch a program built upon strong, intelligent characters, and not BOOM!, CRASH!, BANG! CGI. Real people with strengths, weaknesses and flaws. Just wish there were more episodes.


Loved it..., posted on May 30, 2024 at 16:25:44

Posts: 9168
Joined: July 18, 2000
This forum is super low activity...this post has been at the top for weeks. And A Gentleman in Moscow has ended. It touched me unexpectedly. The count was confined to the hotel and the penalty for walking out would be death. So everything, for the most part, is confined to a limited space. And yet, in that space, his life becomes very rich. All the changes during the decades after the Russian revolution make their way into this hotel. People reveal surprising sides. There is music and there are celebrations and tragedies. It was a gem of a series.


We're only in it 4 episodes and agree, it's a solid keeper*, posted on May 15, 2024 at 14:06:07
Road Warrior

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Joined: August 31, 2004


"E Burres Stigano?"


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