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Certainly people can disagree, but it was unfortunate that the Platoon had stolen the bang from the FMJ. If I remember it right, it preceeded it by about three month - enough to blow a big hole in the anticipation.

Personally I didn't think the Platoon was too bad, it had some good moments and I liked Dafoe's (sp) job - I like him in general. Plus good choice of music.

However, in a purely artistic sense the FMJ seems to be in a different league. While perhaps not Kubrick's greatest work, it certainly had his style imprinted all over the place. Unfortunately, it was largely taken for what it was not primarily - a Vietnam war movie. Surely it can be considered as such, but it is much greater than that in my view. His movies are usually artistic enough to be considered separate from the subject. Lesser works (Platoon, for instance) have less to offer in that department and limp badly without the subject crutch. Take from this perspective, Ryan is so bad that without the subject that touches everybody (a truly opportunistic move on part of the master speculator Spielberg) there is just trash and mediocre-to-horrible (one can only consider as extra-super-horrible such stints as constipated-baboon-like pace of Mr. Ryan-the-Elder at Arlington - a true disgrace to acting profession) acting left.

So, agree with you one the FMJ. Especialy the first part, a true gem of relentless surrealism.

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  • FMJ - Victor Khomenko 08:16:28 01/14/00 (0)

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