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Re: War films: comments on "a Thin Red Line"

caught parts of this beaming off the satalite the other night, (aplolgies if I have the title wrong, and I'm sure I fell asleep a few times--but ) and was pleastly surprised at what I saw. Some of those wonderful zen moments--when a grunt lies dying, and sees the world unfiltered by his monkey mind for the first time--the zig-zagging between dispassionate brutality towards your enemy to unbridled tenderness.

Loved Nick Nolte (a fine, under-rated actor) as the leader lost between wars with one last chance to get his big promotion. A complex bit where you think you hate him but then come to see his point of view actually is the correct one. The decreped Japanese soldiers actually looked like they were slowly dying of starvation, thirst, and disease--that's not acting--those people looked bad! Plenty of surreal moments, loved the camera shots up thru the leaves into the sun.

What did you think of it Victor K ?

Now I'll have to see the whole thing again--when I'm awake.

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