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Re: Patrick, I think you might benefit...

"I think if you are not bored to read, in case you did not, all the posts I send that I told everything I thought of!"

I've read them but unfortunately they tend to not deal with the subatance of the movie.

"What can I add?"

critism based on substance rather than bias.

"The rest is just supposition, it would be even more subjective.
But let me say some point again."

"Mr. Bush could have done ANYTHING but it would always had been in a " no-no "situation."

That is simply wrong. Only a few rfringe left wingers would have objected to him doing the obvuious, that being excusing himself from the students and then gatehring all the information he could as quickly as he could.

"I think that Mr. Moore is the star of his show. He must have a big ego."
"Which part? BUT all was true!!! BUT what was not was his way of manipulate things and facts.
Look at the camera...the ridiculous music, the slow motion...the.....Of course hating the Bush´s make you blind." It was the facts that were telling. His style simply added satire.

"Of course the footage were real! Everybody knows that there is no war without horrors."

Tell that to Fox.

"But now less than before because of the better weapons, and of course I do not need to add that ervery death is one too much ( or must I ? )
But did Mr. Moore showed the SH gazed Kurds? Or SH sons horrors? Or? Or?" He didn't show any unrelated vicims of war.

"No, mr. Moore took only what he needed.
And that is not honest."

It is not dishonestto argue a point without arguing thje counterpoint.

"And the film is a very bad one, his only strenght is its controversies."

I disagree. It isn't his best film but it is far from bad.

So, now you see I did not hold my words and wrote really more that I wanted to do...


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