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Would you watch it with those deSSSpicable "S's" please? You're beginning to SSSpit drool again.

I haven't said anything about patrick being indecent; that's your warped perspective apparently. You keep siding with him about a film you haven't seen and making rude comments about Michael Moore, who may in fact be a very decent guy himself not to mention an inspired filmmaker; at best, that makes your opinions on Fahrenheit 9/11 less than informed and possibly even dishonest.

As for what patrick does or does not know about film, I would never question his vast knowledge of European cinema except perhaps from the standpoint of personal preferences or tastes. European films aren't my primary area of expertise nor even a major interest although I do have a fairly broad collection of films including many European classics and a keen interest in German silent cinema. However, without any offense intended, patrick apparently knows diddly squat about American cinema and the tastes of the American viewing public. Now you can insult me all you like, and I'm sure that you will, but I've probably seen more American films and have greater personal knowledge of film history, especially silent cinema from having studied it (i.e., casually and academically), than you and patrick combined.

>>> "I objected to your insult of him, as any decent human being would." <<<

Your defense went far beyond that, IMHO.

>>> "If you deSSSpicable liar, called mySSSelf of a friend of mine a parrot in my faCCCe, I would have SSSlapped you." <<< (excuse the paraphrasing; embellished for proper context)

What IS your problem with animals? First DOGS, and now PARROTS! You apparently loathe DONKEYS and have a hard-on for ELEPHANTS; I hate to think what'll happen when I tell you that you're full of BULL! ;^)


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