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Hans-Ulrich Rudel - The Stuka Pilot

I went ahead and ordered a copy from Amazon.

When I read about tremendous achievemnts of those in service of evil, I always have uneasy feelings. It is common to just see and admire the tremendous talent of those warriors.

On the other side of the coin is the fact that if most of those high achevers were not THAT talented, or if not alowed to achieve their true potential, many more of our boys would come home alive. So perhaps we should lament, and not admire, the fact that some of Hitler soldiers were so good.

There once was a discussion entitled: "Which German generals do you admire most". Mine and someone else's answers were: the dead ones. By not continuing their horrible deads due to their long overdue deaths, they contributed most to the humanity.

Mixed emotions abound when reading was accounts. I can't read the story about the German tank commander destroying 80 Soviet tanks without thinking of 240 Russian crew who had died perhaps defending their land. And when I learn about another success of Afghan fighters I know what it means to some families in Saratov or Novosibirsk. All this while knowing who's got the just fignt.

Is that just me?

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  • Hans-Ulrich Rudel - The Stuka Pilot - Victor Khomenko 07:46:28 04/28/00 (0)

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