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"May I suggest, if you like movies, develop your own critical thinking..." - What makes you think I don't?

It was your off-handed, misguided dismissing of RT that elicited my defense of it's unique approach as a broad spectrum clearing house of reviews. It may not be perfect ...there are too many pop-ups to my way of thinking..., but it is useful, providing not only a cross section of reviews from various legitimate sources, but also information on grosses, DVD releases, etc.

So you like 4 or 5 specific reviewers; that's perfectly fine. If they aren't among those linked to the Rotten Tomatoes site then you should go elsewhere for your information. I've found the reviewer in the Ft Worth Star Telegram, the Metroplex paper to which I subscribe, is wrong almost ALL the time, so I seek other informed opinions before expending time and cash.

In my profession I'm not around a lot of folks on a daily basis whose opinions I can rely on before assessing the value of a given motion picture; so I frequently determine whether to see a picture or rent it later from the RT site. If I see the movie I may then share my informed opinions with others here, sans spoilers, and debate the merits of a given film with those whose perceptions differ from mine. Capice? :o)

>>> "If you feel you must use a guide for selecting films, Metacritic is better than RT." <<<

Everyone I'm acquainted with who goes to movies, unless it's on a whim, uses reviews of some kind, whether it's friends whose opinions they trust or critics with whom, over time, they've found a kind of symbiotic mental connection in regards to the worthiness of certain types of cinema. Teasers and previews may sell tickets, but FAR too often they deceive the curious film goer.

What RT does is give an overview, without spoilers, unless you're seeking in depth analysis, and then it should be, as you suggested, after the fact. I haven't checked out Metacritic, but I will, and I'll get back to you. In the mean time...

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  • "May I suggest, if you like movies, develop your own critical thinking..." - What makes you think I don't? - Audiophilander 09:44:42 07/14/05 (0)

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