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Hi Victor

>>He [Daryl] has beed detached obviously, or he would have checked more carefully.<<

Actually, this was the opening day for the movie - second showing. All I had to go by were the previews on TV and Roger Ebert's column. Not his review, but any indication of what the content was. He made it out to be pure as the driven snow "Satirical attack on horror movies is mindless, but good fun." Nowhere, in any reference to the flick, was there any mention of nudity, sexual situations, perversity, etc. Irresponsible journalism?

>>Best of luck. If you stick around you might learn about some good stuff too.<<

My film library of several hundred is filled with classics, very few of recent vintage. From "Fitzcarraldo" and "The Garden of the Finzi-Continis" to "Spellbound" and "Notorious." Even complete sets of "Charlie Chan", "The Saint", and "The Falcon." I'm working on "Mr. Moto" and "Lord Peter Wimsey" now. Just love those old corny mysteries. Now, that's what I call "good fun."

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  • Hi Victor - Daryl R 17:18:44 07/08/00 (0)

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