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Why is that a horrible thing to say?

If I was once conservative and am now liberal am I not allowed to say so? If I was once a Bears fan and am now a Dolphins fan am I not allowed to say so? If I long hated brussels sprouts and now eat them avidly am I not allowed to say so? I'm just talking about facts, here.

The fact is that I became a Unitarian Universalist some years back, although I don't particularly identify with that either. But it's not being a UU that interferes with my "being" Jewish, it's the fact that since around the time of my bar mitzvah I haven't been Jewish in any substantive sense. It was during my bar mitzvah study that I realized I'd *never* felt in alignment with any religion. It was my religious education that made it plain that I wasn't, in any sense, what was described as "Jew" in my studies. At no point in the prep for my ceremony did I feel inside myself that "I am a Jew."

It seems to me that it would be less honest to claim Jewishness than otherwise.

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