In Reply to: Like Israel, Iran has a thriving and excellent art film industry. Prejudice against a country's posted by tinear on January 7, 2011 at 11:10:03:
Some of their films are interesting, but I have not seen single one that would elevate itself to the truly high level.
Even more important is the question - what is Israel doing in the discussion of Iranian cinema?
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Follow Ups
- "Like Israel," I am sorry, Israel does not have a developed cinema, by any stretch. - Victor Khomenko 17:14:44 01/10/11 (21)
- "Beaufort," "Ajami." Along with "Bashir," I'd say that proves the lie. Go to wikipedia for a detailed history - tinear 09:47:29 01/12/11 (3)
- I am familiar with those films (plus some more), but tell me how these few make for a... - Victor Khomenko 10:42:46 01/12/11 (2)
- Your last two lines could apply to many, many countries. I'd argue the three I mentioned stand up well to - tinear 14:34:27 01/12/11 (1)
- You are thinking of 'Lebanon' by Samuel Maoz‘s...It's brilliant and - Tony D. 17:05:42 01/12/11 (0)
- When JI is involved, it always involves Israel! nt - tinear 14:27:42 01/11/11 (4)
- He didn't bring it up. nt - Victor Khomenko 17:09:13 01/11/11 (3)
- You wait for the Germans to cross the Maginot Line? - tinear 09:42:16 01/12/11 (2)
- LOL! I recoil in horror at a thought... what if Jazz was a Kirgiz? - Victor Khomenko 09:55:18 01/12/11 (1)
- Hehheheheheh... I had a lot of fun the other night; a guy finally explained to me, after dinner and right - tinear 17:01:23 01/12/11 (0)
- "I have not seen single one that would elevate itself to the truly high level" Then see 'Waltz with Bashir' - Tony D. 21:02:25 01/10/11 (11)
- New Israeli film -The Time That Remains - is getting raves. - Harmonia 19:36:05 01/12/11 (0)
- That was a cartoon, except for the islamic propaganda footage at the end - Jazz Inmate 21:04:45 01/10/11 (9)
- "That was a cartoon" About as much of a cartoon as 'Persepolis'. * - Tony D. 21:25:31 01/10/11 (8)
- Persepolis showed the plight of girls in Iran where you can't show real actors w/o risking imprisonment - Jazz Inmate 23:26:27 01/10/11 (7)
- Ah...Not exactly... - Harmonia 16:54:42 01/11/11 (5)
- A bit naive - Jazz Inmate 17:50:51 01/11/11 (4)
- Jee whiz... - Harmonia 17:58:54 01/12/11 (3)
- And to prove my point... - Harmonia 18:25:55 01/12/11 (2)
- Thanks for using JI to enlighten us. Of course, shining a light - tinear 16:59:28 01/14/11 (0)
- IOW, she humanized and multi-culturized her art to make it more accessible. - Tony D. 19:31:46 01/12/11 (0)
- How ignorant! "Offside" is a brilliant showcase of exactly what the "plight" of women, or in this case, - tinear 14:31:24 01/11/11 (0)