In Reply to: What? He was the champion. The Russians for years had loaded competitions, the structure of which guaranteeing posted by tinear on October 3, 2011 at 15:57:40:
Some were actually far greater. No one is denying him his chess skills, but it makes little sense to blow them out of proportion. Certainly he was a super-hero in the US, don't forget that part. He earned the title once, against a weak opponent, but never defended it against stronger ones, so we will never know his true potential. Like I said - who remembers every one-time T-de-F winner? Achievement, yes... super-achievement - no.
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Follow Ups
- He was one of many great players - Victor Khomenko 16:45:22 10/03/11 (8)
- He dominated his peers like no other - Plinko 17:25:23 10/06/11 (0)
- Just to set the record straight on his status as a player - Analog Scott 16:51:14 10/04/11 (6)
- "the third longest of all time." Case closed. nt - Victor Khomenko 17:51:54 10/04/11 (5)
- You are too delluded by hate to even see what the case actually is - Analog Scott 19:09:12 10/04/11 (4)
- US is not the world - Victor Khomenko 19:28:06 10/04/11 (3)
- Who said it was the world? - Analog Scott 20:21:59 10/04/11 (2)
- "Bobby Fischer was at one point one of the most famous persons on earth. " - Victor Khomenko 05:54:27 10/05/11 (1)
- It was an international event and symbolic of the cold war - Analog Scott 07:32:24 10/05/11 (0)