The Trap is not about action - it is about deep human drama. A desperate father is pushed to crime, trying to save his son's life.
A popular notion has it that the movies from the former socialist block countries tend to fall on the side of poignant studies of human behavior in difficult, often desperate, situations - and it is true: such circumstances more than often do reveal the true nature of participants. Demolish the world around them, push them to the brink of humanity and things become decidedly un-Hollywoodian, and more reminiscent of work of Lang than Spielberg. There is usually no syrup layer on top of it, as it is so common in other places. As an example, one can look at several recent films dealing with subject of illegal immigration to Western Europe. Desperation is the common underlying theme.
The premise of The Trap rules out any possible happy ending... there is no great surprise there. The plot is not based on surprises - it is more like a proverbial ton of bricks slowly crashing the life underneath.
The movie is filled with great performances, making it an unforgettable event.
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Topic - From Serbia - an intense psychological thriller - Victor Khomenko 06:19:26 01/13/12 (5)
- And those adds, begging for money to help save their children - are all 'rewards' of the "democracy" - 07:40:55 01/14/12 (3)
- Actually, you are 100% wrong - Victor Khomenko 08:03:44 01/14/12 (2)
- The exodus of the high qualified doctors started in the 90's... - 09:22:32 01/14/12 (1)
- Don't worry, it already started here too. - Victor Khomenko 09:57:21 01/14/12 (0)
- Good review. What next, though, in E. European titles? "The Crap," - tinear 08:42:06 01/13/12 (0)