In Reply to: And those adds, begging for money to help save their children - are all 'rewards' of the "democracy" posted by on January 14, 2012 at 07:40:55:
The film presents the picture of a typical European-model health care system, very similar to Obamacare.
Their basic care was free, they had numerous doctor visits and hospitalizations, apparently with no expense... but at some point the "system" put the limit on the care... coverage for expensive treatment was denied. Call it Death Panel, if you wish.
Don't tell me that the "once free health care" would have paid for an expensive surgery in Germany.
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Follow Ups
- Actually, you are 100% wrong - Victor Khomenko 08:03:44 01/14/12 (2)
- The exodus of the high qualified doctors started in the 90's... - 09:22:32 01/14/12 (1)
- Don't worry, it already started here too. - Victor Khomenko 09:57:21 01/14/12 (0)