In Reply to: Oscar nominees announced: the worst year I can recall for "Best Film." posted by tinear on January 24, 2012 at 08:58:40:
Haven't you ever heard of positive enforcement and behavior modification? Is the urge to see the latest crap simply because it is latest crap so overwhelming?
Go watch some tits in Spartacus, it is free and it makes to false claims.
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Follow Ups
- So why are you giving them your money? - Victor Khomenko 10:12:15 01/24/12 (6)
- Some of the stuff is good, not great. And NO home experience matches a theater one. nt - tinear 17:36:29 01/24/12 (5)
- "And NO home experience matches a theater one. " Invite me. - Victor Khomenko 19:40:12 01/24/12 (4)
- be sure to text/talk on your phone, stick gum to tin's sofa, spill your soda, kick tin in the back, etc. NT - Jazz Inmate 18:57:53 01/25/12 (2)
- He just canceled my invitation... BTW - a question! - Victor Khomenko 06:17:29 01/26/12 (1)
- "Does the movie theater experience make a bad film better or badder?" - Jazz Inmate 16:50:52 01/26/12 (0)
- LOL! nt - tinear 12:34:49 01/25/12 (0)