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Need new TV - burn in question +

My 27 inch Sony Trinitron TV has broke for the 3rd time in 9 years or so and it could be fixed for around $200 but it's time for something new. What an amazing selection! I'm probably going to go for a tube HDTV ready model with the widescreen - these seem to come in at around $2,000. I worry about image burn in with the projection models available at this price - though some newer technology projection models are available above $3000 that won't burn in and these weigh less than 80 lbs. I just can't justify the price - and I think the tube still provides us a better picture though it weighs a ton. My 27 inch model was a bear to move so I am going to get a stand with wheels for the new set. I'm going to pass on the HDTV box itself for now - it's available for $600 and the TV set with it built in would cost an extra grand - I can live without this for now.

As far as size goes the 27 inch worked fine for standard aspect ratio but was too small for widescreen. So a smaller widescreen will be find for our situation and from my previous experiences I almost always prefer the picture on smaller sets than larger - but of course it needs to be large enough to be viewed from the whole room. The big square TVs are about $500 less but are too big and I really like the look of the rectangular sets - why the cost differential?

I don't want to worry about burn in, and I doubt I would want to live with "stretch". We do have the TV on more often than the DVD so can anyone comment on how easy it will be to burn in the side bars that will be present if we don't watch TV in the stretch mode on a widescreen tube TV? Or any other suggestions?

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Topic - Need new TV - burn in question + - Don T 13:33:24 11/29/02 (6)

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