Home Video Asylum

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Re: from 2 channel to Home Theater

After some minor tweeking, i have found my Sony V444ES receiver to be a very good pre-amp... i got rid of the captive power cord, and use a PS Audio Prelude. I also installed a pair of Bybees from the new IEC socket to the transformer.

So, the receiver has pre-outs for every channel. I use the L/R outs to my PS Audio HCA-2 for music and let the receiver handle the rest of the surround channels (C/RR/RL).

If you still want to use a separate pre for music only i think your options are limited. I believe the new PS Audio Pre has a Home-theater pass-through that was designed specifically for this situation. but, i'm unaware of any other pre that does this.

You would think more Preamp companies would do something like this for those of us who want to have our cake and eat it too!

good luck.


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