Home Video Asylum

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Re: Apparently, no one is intelligent enough...

***...to even attempt to answer the question of why 2.35:1 is so overused when producing DVD's. All movie producers, studio executives, etc., know that widescreen televisions are not 2.35:1, and surely they must know that 35mm Kodak (or any other) film frames shot with Panaflex motion picture cameras is NOT "2.35:1", but is much closer to (if not exactly) "16:9", or anywhere between 1.75:1 and 1.85 or even .95, to 1 (and in some cases is even close to 1.33:1). THAT'S THE WHOLE REASON THE "16:9" ASPECT FOR TELEVISION WAS CONCEIVED IN THE FIRST PLACE...TO BETTER MATCH THE ASPECT RATIO OF 35mm MOTION PICTURES.
SO I ASK AGAIN...WHY CROP OFF THE TOP AND BOTTOM OF A 35mm NEGATIVE/PRINT just to make it a slender 2.35:1, and then put in on a DVD that will play on a 16:9 tv set?***

Answering your question would put an end to your floundering about. No one wants to be deprived of your entertaining buffoonery.

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  • Re: Apparently, no one is intelligent enough... - Rich 05:35:59 12/19/01 (1)

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