Home Video Asylum

TVs, VCRs, DVD players, Home Theater systems and more.

IMHO, if you watch an HD broadcast, you see incredible results with LCDs...

....However, when watching a regular (digital cable) signal, I thought it was crap, too.

We have Comcast Digital Cable. There are only 12 TRUE HD channels; all up around channel 175 and they are marked ABCHD, ESPNHD, HBOHD, etc. These are incredible on my 37" Sharp Aquos. Almost everything else (except DVDs from Sony 999es) sux ass.

I bought it for room ergonomics. And, it takes up less space between my STEREO SPEAKERS!!!!!

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  • IMHO, if you watch an HD broadcast, you see incredible results with LCDs... - Ian Mackenzie 13:23:24 09/10/05 (0)

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