Home Video Asylum

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Latest on LG is February '06. But just like Samsung, this company can never hit a release date. How long should one hold out?

I have seen the LCoS (SXRD) sets from Sony. They are very nice and I commend Sony for kickin' it up a notch. Most of the sets I have seen are probably in some sort of Vivid or Dynamic type of mode and have a green push combined with a slight white crush. I'm sure a proper calibration, even with just DVE or Avia, would get those nasties in line. The SD upconversion to HD (pixel count) is also done quite well.

I have not seen the JVC sets, but I have never really been impressed by JVC products. Their D-ILA sets had some raves, but I could never figure out what sets others were looking at because the ones I saw kind of sucked. Maybe they have a winner with the new stuff. Then again, maybe they don't.

What's a real 1080p display: one that accepts a 1080p input and displays all 1920x1080 pixels at one time, one that displays 1920x1080 pixels at one time but can't accept a 1080p input or one that accepts a 1080p input but can't show all 1920x1080 pixels at one time?

So one other thing that I would consider is a 1080p capable input. No one has that now, except for two of HP's DLP sets which are limited to 960x1080 pixels internally (they're not real 1920x1080 resolution capable). That means that the upcoming BluRay players will not be able to pass the 1080p24 (or 1080p60, depending on the output frame rate they decide on) encoded movie to the display without some processing/interlacing having to take place. So if someone wants a true 1080p capable set and not one that plays games with the resolution/numbers, they're going to have to wait.

And another thing...

I don't want to get off on a rant here, but...

AVS Forum has camps? Really? And there aren't any here or on other sites? Please. In case it isn't obvious, there are "fanboys" and "fangirls" for each and every manufacturer and technology out there. Singling out AVS Forum is irrational because it happens everywhere there is more than one choice or opinion. Especially when one has to justify the outpouring of cash or lack of it thereof. Except for (maybe) HomeTheaterSpot, name one site dedicated to HomeTheater and its associated technologies that provides more useful information than AVS Forum? Instead of complaining about all of the free, let me repeat that -- free, information they have to analyze when they're faced with making such a fate-of-the-world decision, people just need to learn how to weed out the BS and "fanperson" cheerleading in order to understand what each manufacturer and technology truly offers to the end user. I did it and so can you.

Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

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  • you asked - Joe Murphy Jr 19:18:22 12/22/05 (2)

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