Home Video Asylum

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Problem with standard TV reception

I moved to the country. The house has a tall antenna. The rotor is locked into place but that is okay because it is probably in the optimum position anyway. I got a new booster to connect the antenna to the tv. I got very good reception (most of the time) for a few weeks. Then, nothing but crap. I forgot about the television for several months. When I tried it again during the Olympics, I got very good reception for a couple of days, and then nothing but crap. It seems if I go away for a few days, when I return I might get good reception for several minutes before it goes to crap. I don't watch enough television to pay for satellite tv, but if I could figure out my problem and solve it I would.

I am wondering, either the booster is crap. Or maybe there is some kind of wierd electrical interference in the house that disrupts the signal. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Do you have any suggestions? Is there another forum that might also be helpful? Thanks.

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Topic - Problem with standard TV reception - Jeff Connell 09:31:39 03/18/06 (6)

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