Home Video Asylum

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is it calibrated?

Have you used GetGray, Digital Video Essentials or Avia to set the display up to provide a proper picture? If not, you really need to do it.

As for the burn-in, just watch material that fills the screen for a while. Most, if not all of it, will go away fairly quickly. All brand new plasmas exhibit this, but even well used models can show this use. Different manufacturers' plasma displays seem to retain the divisions from watching 4:3 material in OAR than others (ie; NEC shows more retention than Panasonic).

If it's not gone after a day or so, check the manual for procedures in using the white bar patterns, reversal patterns, etc to clean up the image retention. But I doubt you'll need this if it was only for a few hours.

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  • is it calibrated? - Joe Murphy Jr 19:21:42 03/23/06 (0)

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