Home Video Asylum

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is the set new?

if so you should , make sure you are watching is completely filling up the screen by using the full mode option .

idid this with mine ,, and yes some thigns and depending on sources , som epeople looked wider than others , but i putup with it for 100 + hours.

also , ifyour set is new , you shouldn't worry too much about the burn in issue,, most new set have a wash or somethign like it in the menu where you can run for botu 30 mins to a hour , to get rid of any image rentetion ,,

also , and i agrre with the poster below,, i would first , calibrated it ,, cause if you are using the factory settings,, i willing to bet it is set to "torch" mode,, dial it in m, and you will have many or uears of flatscreen.plasma goodness.

good luck ,,


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  • is the set new? - Oface 10:55:21 03/25/06 (0)

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