Home Video Asylum

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Who is the brain who came up with DVD menu selection??

Admittedly, I'm not a video hound. I just want to know what they were thinking when they came up with a selection when you tried to play a DVD? Anything other than INSERT and PLAY is ridiculous. Optional program features is understandable, but to make every video experience the equivalent of programming a VCR is the height of ridiculousness. Obviously, they got away with it because well, DVD compared to VCR, is a no-brainer.

I am also curious as to what typically controls this behavior, i.e. when a DVD is first inserted and what the next action is? Is it the DVD software or the player that requires this? I do suspect it is the player. I also suspect that they want a cognizant being able to read the FBI disclaimer, which is why it is not made easier.

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Topic - Who is the brain who came up with DVD menu selection?? - jedinvest 17:33:49 06/21/06 (2)

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