Home Video Asylum

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it's the software

And this is 2006, not 1997: your post belongs in the 20th Century. Why bring this up nearly 10 years after the format was launched?

Anyway, they're called UPOs (User Prohibited Operations) and they are recorded on the DVD when it's mastered. Want to get rid of them? Use a decrypting program that deletes them and burn a perfect copy without that crap, region coding or the Macrovision signal. Let's say you're in Region 1 and have a Region 3 movie with several extras, an English Dolby Digital 5.1 track, a French 2.0 track and an English DTS 6.1 track. You just want the movie with the DTS track and you want the movie to start up as soon as the disc enters your Region 1 player. Takes less than 10 minutes to do before disc burning.

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  • it's the software - Joe Murphy Jr 18:53:02 06/21/06 (0)

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