Home Video Asylum

TVs, VCRs, DVD players, Home Theater systems and more.

Home Theater on the Cheap

Here's the deal. I just bought a 32" LCD HD TV after many years with no TV. My intention is to use it to watch movies.

Currently I have it hooked up to a two-channel system consisting of (I forget some specific models) Adcom GFA545 pre-amp, Adcom GFA545II Amp, and a pair of bookshelf KEF speakers. I also have a 12" klipsch sub which is currently in storage. Sometimes I swap the Adcom stuff for a Fisher 500C receiver which I keep trying to sell, but each time I hook it up I can't bear to let it go. Eventually I put the Adcom stuff back in since other people use my system.

Anyways, I really don't want to spend any real money, but I do want a 5.1 channel setup. I have two routes I can go. 1. Try to find an inexpensive dolby digital preamp, 3-channel power amp, and matching KEF center and rear speakers. OR 2. buy a cheap 5-channel receiver and some relatively inexpensive speakers and keep my two-channel system separate.

My priority is more on music than home theater. What would you do if you were in my shoes. Any recommendations on equipment who's quality defies it's inexpensive price? Thanks in advance!

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Topic - Home Theater on the Cheap - mscalisi 15:40:31 09/15/06 (7)

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