Home Video Asylum

TVs, VCRs, DVD players, Home Theater systems and more.


Name brand?
I have some Sony batteries to sell you.

Name brand?
Most people would consider them an el-cheapo manufacturer, but LCD monitors from Westinghouse are kickin' plenty of name brand ass these days.

Name brand?
The only way I'd take a Samsung product is if it were given to me for free. Then I'd sell it to someone who didn't know any better.

Name brand?
All of the big boys were at one time small upstarts. The no-names of today may be the name brands of tomorrow. How do you think Sony's customer service compares to no-name Oppo Digital?

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Follow Ups Full Thread
Follow Ups
  • huh? - Joe Murphy Jr 18:47:32 11/23/06 (1)
    • Re: huh? - Estes 04:40:31 11/24/06 (0)

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