Home Video Asylum

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Re: reason

Ah, the oversimplifications of fanboys...

>>>Why would nearly every CE manufacturer back Blu-ray<<<
Maybe they beleived the hype that Sony spews out. Maybe they are just hedging their bets. Some are also backing HD DVD.
>>>and all but one studio say "Yes." to producing movies for the Blu-ray format?<<<
BTW, that "one" happens to own something like 80 years worth of movies. Others haven't commited yet, and will wait a while before doing so. Also, while Warner is doing both formats, it is putting out more movies on HD DVD than Blu-ray-using both, but not equally.

>>>And if you truly wanted one format, why would you not back the one that has more support for movies, more support from CE manufacturers, more future options/capabilities, etc?<<<
They will end up voting for the bottom line, regardless of the pie-in-the-sky promises. Whichever one (if any) the public picks, will be the one they eventually back. Not all companies are enamoured with Sony, and all are aware of its *ahem* less than stellar history with new media. Not to mention, price *will* be a factor. Joe sixpack isn't going to pay $1K for a DVD player(PS3 doesn't count), especially if it doesn't play CDs (the Sony won't).
I'm not trying to start an argument, and as I've said before, I think both will just be niche products.
The real war isn't Blu-ray Vs. HD DVD, its HD Vs. SD.

PS. Apparently, PS3 didn't do as well as expected at saving Sony's butt, so the demoted the "father of the playstation".

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