Home Video Asylum

TVs, VCRs, DVD players, Home Theater systems and more.

Re: Dolby Digital sans surround

Not all DVDs have surround sound. In my collection are discs with mono sound, 2 channel sound, and 5.1 channel surround sound. I have a sneaking feeling that I have a disc somewhere with 4 channel sound. The lights on your receiver will tell you how many channels, and which channels, are included in the sound track.

If your DVD player allows you to change audio soundtracks, and I think pretty well all players do, it's worthwhile checking just what tracks are on the disc. Some DVDs include both Dolby Digital and DTS surround tracks, and I tend to prefer the sound of the DTS track. Other discs have both surround and stereo tracks. Just accepting the default track doesn't guarantee the best results.

Finally, look at the back of the DVD's package. There is usually a mention there of just what sound tracks there are on the disc including details of the number of channels.

David Aiken

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