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60" SXRD XBR2 Follow-up

Well, I've had the set for about two weeks now. The picture is great in my 20x20 room. So now I've got last years 50" Wega downstairs and this one upstairs in my media room. My entire set-up is an Adcom GFP750 pre-amp with a GFA5800 amp for my fronts only (jamo707is)while using a Yamaha RXV3200 mainly as the processor and to power my center (jamo200) and rears (Energy Veritas) with a dual sub config (Old Energy 12" and an NHT 10"). My source is a 9000es DVD/CD/SACD utilizing Audioquest component cables with the unit set up progressive, other cables are Monster 1000's, MIT. Plus I'm using a Vansevers Clean line. I have dedicated AC outlets to the TV along with the line conditioner. The SXRD engine obviously bests the Wega 50" from last year, however the wega has been a very good set. I certainly don't miss my broken down Mitsu 65" Diamond that decided to have tube leakage and the part's were no longer avaiable (however, it was a good set for it's time). Thank god for extended warranties, there was time when I laughed at over priced extended warranties, but with some electronics today unfortunately they're a must, especially living in florida (Even if you try to unplug everything in time). I've absolutely have no negative comments regarding the new set at this time, but hey it's still early and oh yes, I had hoped that Sony would have at least provided a remote that was partially backlit. The cooling fan is relatively quiet and there are plenty of PQ adjustments for my taste, plus the set comes with an extra 180w bulb. One thing I thought odd is the lengthy rise time it seemed to take much longer to come to full light than my other set. Also, I'm currently utilizing a cablecard on the 50" and it seems to have more dropouts than the cable box. I wonder if that issue has yet been resolved/addressed. I would like to move forward with a Blu-Ray player, but haven't mustered the energy to start the research and after reading some of the previous threads, I beleive I'm going to wait and see if the reported problems are identified or clarified, I have to say that the 480P picture via the Audioquest cables has never looks cleaner or sharper. I'll give it a few months, I like seeing what each new generation brings. Who would have thought we'd be spending thousands of dollars on TV's, there was a time not so long ago when WE thought that anything over $500 was a bit much to spend on a TV, another great job desensitizing us. "Wow, only $3000 bucks, what a deal" :) Hey, what can we say we're addicts...

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Topic - 60" SXRD XBR2 Follow-up - blackpixels 22:26:51 12/18/06 (7)

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