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This is NOT about intelligence

This is about "normal" people, a bit detached from the modern "culture" perhaps, who sudenly come in contact with rivers of shit that are flowing through our society today. Sort of like your nice average grandpa (a WWII vet, to be sure) suddenly being confronted buy a mugger - good people are generally NOT ready to deal with garbage in large doses. Many of them don't spend time in drug infested back alleys (can't say that I blame them for that) and they are not aware of all the decay around them. They go through life presuming that most people are good, and that good is good and bad is bad. They don't know that it all "depends on what your definition of *IS* is" today.

Daryl is absolutely right in his indignation. He has beed detached obviously, or he would have checked more carefully. But you can't blame him for that. Do you take every milk bottle you buy to a lab?

What comes to movie theaters in US today is 90% trash, with 8% super-vicious trash, and the remainng 2% fit for "normal" people's, Daryl included, consumption. And forget about that Ebert idiot, smart people stopped paying attention to that baffoon many years ago. If you listen to someone with a whole lot more credibility (Michael Medved, for instance, although I don't think you will see him on TV any longer), then you will hear jokes about Ebert - "Two thumbs up what" kind. Michael is one very smart guy, and used to host sometimes the Rush show - and those were always the days to listen.

Where is he now? I think he writes for some mag - is that so? See, I am detached too...

Daryl, if you pay attention to the US movie industry, then you will eventually develop the feel for what is potentially garbage. If you are too busy (like many of us are), here is the simple rule: all what comes from Hollywood should be simply ignored until someone you know personally says it is OK. Ebert needs not apply for that position. I think the stuff from Walt Disney is generally fine, albeit corny, but great for kids.

Outside of that, man, we are largely out of luck. Garbage makes money by garbage bags, no, make it "garbage trucks", today, and if you go to see really good movies you are in an empty theater (a blessing, really) - Ritz in Phili, for example. Is it worse today than it was hundred years ago? I think so, and by a lot. Are we degenerating into an sub-Roman society? Yes. Are we there yet? Not quite.

As far as boycot - I have been boycoting Hollywood with my money for decades. I don't expect them to notice, I simply do so because my wife and I would rather see something that is worth seeing. But deep inside, I also don't want my dollar buy a single brick of their new mension. All trash that I need to develop the immunitet I can get from TV and I don't pay for it.

Like you I am far from being prude. I can and have watched the worst kinds of porn and slashers. It takes a lot to offend me. I just refuse to be taken for and treated like an idiot.

Best of luck. If you stick around you might learn about some good stuff too.

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